Tuesday, 12 June 2007

HSE Awareness Team & MR MoBiC Cycle Hunt 2007

HSE Awareness Team and MR MoBiC has succesfully organized a cycle hunt event in conjunction with World No Tobacco Day and World Environment Day in 1st June 2007

30 participants had joined and it was a really fun event.


labahlabah said...

how to join mr Mobic?

warheadMR MoBiC said...

ko ni labahlabah...
ko duduk mana? MR MoBiC ni actually a mountain bike club in Petronas Penapisan Melaka Sdn Bhd, tapi ade gak org luar join ride2 kami..dan kami pon ade join org luar punye ride, boley email kat aku ko punye email address..senang nak communicate daa...

