Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Cheng Ria - Belimbing Dalam Revisited

This is second round MoBiC rides the trail, was wonderful event. This time photos captured were more and great. Riders involved - Omar, Kamal, Wahid, Zamri, Kimi, Aziz and gua...

Starting point Tmn Cheng Ria. Prepare the bicycle. Zamri can't wait any longer. Omar was his first ride with MoBiC.

Stay calm to handle the situation.... hehehe

First few kilometers, side of Malim river. Nice trek, will end at pintu air Durian Tunggal. After that tar road to Belimbing Pantai.

Nice skill demonstrate by Aziz

Water left and right, flooded area after heavy rain

The return of "OTAI"

Favourite session, Teh Tarik

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